Message created on:
Thursday, December 11, 1997

From:Ryan Watson (
Subject: RE: Re:Strange Sample Problem
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On Wed, Dec 10, 1997, at 02:11 PM, Andy Gibson wrote:

> You don't know what you're missing if you don't buy Amcaf! It's not as
> if it costs an arm and a leg either :)
> We've all said it before, Amcaf is a MUST if you're an Amos
> programmer. The features it provides are great. If peeps didn't
> support Chris by registering for Amcaf, we would never have been able
> to use the great commands it provides.
> (and of course the future ones in the FREE updates to registered users
> too).

I guess you have a good point. Mabye I wil consider buying it...

> BTW What exactly is Fleshy 2000 then? Have I missed something?

Its the game I am currently working on. You haven't missed anything, its
just talked (vaguely - never mind spelling?!?) about on my web page.

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Fleshee 2000 (35%)
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